<B>Non-Enkelfähig product</B><br/><br/>This product is currently not yet Enkelfähig. This does not mean that the product does not exhibit any sustainable features, and instead only means that it does not yet meet enough of the sustainability aspects included in the diverse criteria covered by our sustainability evaluation to achieve a rating of more than 3 points. This is why it does not feature the Enkelfähig endorsement.<br/><br/>For more information about product evaluation and the Enkelfähig Initiative, please visit our <a href="/w/company_enkelfaehigscore/">Enkelfähig information page</a>.
Ref.: 731421 10

switchROLL rings – meychair ergonomics length 295 mm

switchROLL rings – meychair ergonomics
switchROLL rings – meychair ergonomics, length 295 mm, black-0
switchROLL rings – meychair ergonomics (Product illustration 2)-1


€ 64.90
Price / item (Excl. VAT)

Delivery time: 10-15 Working Days
Product description
  • Simple and versatile, interchangeable surface
  • Ringed surface for stimulating massage
  • Easy to clean
Fascial roller for self-massage – relieves tension and pain. The interchangeable surface enables different ways of training fascia. Suitable for gentle massage or specific training routines depending on the day.
Simply add the accessory sets (see Accessories) to the complete roller – it is practical to use and sustainable. The extremely stable, durable core of the roller and the hardwearing surface easily withstand intensive training, even over the long term.

Available in two degrees of hardness:
Charcoal – low hardness level for beginners and people sensitive to pain, gentle massage
Black – high degree of hardness for athletes and intense massage effect

switchROLL rings: the surface provides a stimulating massage, intensively kneading the connective tissue and improving the skin's appearance. The rings stimulate circulation of the blood and loosen fibrous adhesions and tension with long-term use.
Technical data
Product typefasciae rolls
Length295 mm
Diameter157 mm
Weight1.6 kg
<B>Non-Enkelfähig product</B><br/><br/>This product is currently not yet Enkelfähig. This does not mean that the product does not exhibit any sustainable features, and instead only means that it does not yet meet enough of the sustainability aspects included in the diverse criteria covered by our sustainability evaluation to achieve a rating of more than 3 points. This is why it does not feature the Enkelfähig endorsement.<br/><br/>For more information about product evaluation and the Enkelfähig Initiative, please visit our <a href="/w/company_enkelfaehigscore/">Enkelfähig information page</a>.
Non-Enkelfähig product

This product is currently not yet Enkelfähig. This does not mean that the product does not exhibit any sustainable features, and instead only means that it does not yet meet enough of the sustainability aspects included in the diverse criteria covered by our sustainability evaluation to achieve a rating of more than 3 points. This is why it does not feature the Enkelfähig endorsement.

For more information about product evaluation and the Enkelfähig Initiative, please visit our Enkelfähig information page.