Storage Product Guide

How to find the right shelving unit system for your warehouse

When there are so many shelving units, it's hard to make a choice, isn't it? You thought you knew everything about shelving unit systems, but the sheer range of choices makes you doubt yourself? Or are you simply curious to find out what shelving unit solutions there are on the market that you may not have thought of before? Whatever it is that just got you to click on our product advisor for storage shelves – you will find the answers you are looking for right here!

Asking the right questions

You probably – understandably – have the unrealistic idea that all you have to do now is ‘click your fingers’ and we'll present you with the storage shelves that perfectly suit your requirements and business operations.

Yet, we are going to have to disappoint you, because the ball is in your court. Before you set off in search of the perfect new shelving system, you should spend time thinking about what you actually want – and this is best done by using the following typical key questions. This is how you work your way to the perfect solution step by step:

  • What would you like to put in storage? Pallets, mesh pallets, individual cardboard boxes, long goods, individual goods, etc.?
  • How large and heavy are the goods you will put in storage?
  • How much space is available to you, and how much space do you need?
  • Which goods are used regularly and therefore need to be easily accessible, and which ones are needed less?
  • What is the stock turnover rate?
  • Would you like to completely reconfigure your warehouse or expand an existing shelving system?

Pay attention to the details

This won't come as a surprise: the decision for a new warehouse shelving system should be well thought out. In addition to the right type of shelf unit, there are, ultimately, many other factors that determine whether your storage system is a success or a failure. We'd like to present three of them to you as examples:


...folly is short – repentance long. No matter which shelving system you end up with: You have to be aware that you are making a pretty game-changing decision, because the different brands and shelf unit series are not always easy to combine with each other. This is why we are sharing the following tip: If in doubt, simply ask us for advice – we know what fits together and will be happy to help you!

Contact us.


Of course, you are welcome to choose the latest, best and most expensive shelf from our product range. But that won't do you much good if you haven't thought about what the movements and work processes in your warehouse are like, and how you would like to use the available space. So why don't you just let us help you? We love to plan warehouses!

Contact us.


Like a car without tyres, like a soup without salt… this is what a storage shelf unit is like without the right accessories. No matter whether connections, shelves, beams, dividers, impact protection or labels for shelf bins – with the right equipment you can adapt your storage shelf units to your needs even better. And that's the way to make it perfect.

To our accessory products

Further warehouse products


If you go looking for the shelf unit system that suits you best in our shop right now, then please make sure you use the filter options – these make it much easier to find your new shelf unit: In addition to standard filters according to price, colour, dimensions and the materials used, you can also sort most of our models in advance according to the following criteria:

  • Maximum shelf load or bay load
  • Type of shelf: extension shelf unit, standard shelf unit, etc.
  • Number of compartments or shelves
  • Cross beam length


In the following, we are providing a compact and concise overview of the most typical features of the most common types of storage shelf units for you, so that you can gain a good initial idea of which type of shelf unit is best for which type of goods for storage. For even more information on the advantages and disadvantages of the individual shelf units, please refer to the respective categories!

For everything that weighs a lot: HEAVY DUTY SHELVING UNITS

This type of shelf unit doesn't need a long explanation: heavy-duty shelving units are always the best choice if you want to store goods with a high weight. And of course, they are also perfect if you have a lot of smaller goods, the total sum of which adds up to a decent weight – many pennies make a pound, after all. Accordingly, this shelf unit type is extremely stable – no wonder, given the sometimes unbelievably high shelf and bay loads. Strong, stronger, heavy-duty shelving unit!

To the heavy duty shelving units

For everything that's long: CANTILEVER RACKING UNITS

Wooden slats, pipes, worktops, boards, bars… there are numerous storage goods which simply do not fit into classic standard shelf units. The cantilever rack was created for these special cases, and allow goods to be stored either vertically or horizontally. This type of shelf unit is used, for example, in automotive production or in furniture production facilities; additional functions such as end stops and other fittings ensure that everything stays exactly where it belongs.

To the cantilever racks

For everything bulky: WIDE SPAN SHELVING UNITS

Too big, too thick, too misshapen, too uncontrollable? All words that are a foreign language for our wide span shelving units. This shelf unit type is always the right choice when it comes to goods in XXXL. Thanks to the extra-wide compartments and the high maximum load per shelf, even extremely bulky goods can be stowed easily; at the same time, the simple plug-in assembly ensures a high degree of flexibility. It's not possible? Anything's possible!

To the wide span shelving units

For maximum flexibility: BOLTLESS SHELVING UNITS

If only everything were this simple: You can assemble boltless shelving units quickly and easily without using tools and expand, convert and combine them accordingly without any problems. No matter how much your warehouse changes – your boltless shelving always changes with it.

To the boltless shelves

For fast order picking: PALLET RACKING

Extremely popular, extremely widespread: our pallet racking units. Key characteristics: They can be loaded and unloaded directly, e.g. with a forklift truck, and as a rule do not feature any extra shelves, as the Euro pallets, mesh pallets etc. are placed directly on the beams. A real classic item of storage equipment!

To the pallet racks

For small parts and C-parts: SHELF UNITS FOR BINS

The perfect storage shelf units for all those who love keeping things tidy, and specialists when it comes to organisation: our shelves for bins and small parts. They enable a high storage capacity in the smallest of spaces, and are ideally suited as parts storage for material provision in production, assembly and other company areas. And will put an end to long periods spent searching!

To the shelf units for bins

From the individual components to the various application areas and the absolute top five advantages – we have compiled all the information that is essential to know about boltless shelving units. Read now about boltless shelving systems

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