Planning and carrying out stocktaking efficiently


As soon as the summer holidays are over, Christmas decorations start appearing in many supermarkets. Rarely are you already in the mood for gingerbread and chocolate Santas at this point. And yet every time, it amazes us how quickly the end of the year is suddenly approaching. What seems to be the premature appearance of Christmas decorations might actually be a perfect example of excellent planning.

How well is your company prepared for the challenges it faces every year? Recurring tasks at the end of the year, such as stocktaking, should not take most companies by surprise. And yet the period leading up to the year in particular is characterised by time pressure and stress at many businesses instead. Why don’t you prepare yourself for the regular annual stocktake well in advance this year?

This feature tells you everything you need to know for efficient planning and trouble-free performance of your stocktake. First, we are answering some frequently asked questions about inventory checks.

Why do a stocktake?

Stocktake types

There are different types of stocktakes that you can carry out. However, make sure you find out which type of stocktaking activity is suitable for your company. For deferred stocktake types, you should ensure that your inventory management system is kept accurate. A continuous stocktake must not be used to account for perishable goods.

Expert tips

This is how to succeed at planning and carrying out the stocktake

You will find some practical tips for optimal planning and carrying out your next stocktake below:


The optimal work flow when carrying out stocktakes

There’s still plenty of time left until the annual reporting date? You should not, however, underestimate the benefits of good preparation. The following checklist will help you plan your next stocktake to ensure it is an efficient process.

Planning stocktaking efficiently mg$

Any other questions?

Following this workflow will ensure that there’s nothing between you and an optimally organised stocktake this year. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, free of charge.